Polar Duck Training

By JanineLewis

A Twitter Tweetup!

Today I got to mingle with some grown ups!

I took the plunge and went on a "mass" blind date to meet a few local people who all use the social medium Twitter. It was refered to as the Reading Tweetup.

I had a grown up drink in a grown up cup! A cocktail no less.. have no idea what its full name was but something like a fancy Lime Mojito (the rum was very smooth and more-ish). I have no idea what the second cocktail was called but with all the ice it made it a perfect arctic training drink with added brain freeze!

The day was a complete write off for any training as I waited, and waited, and waited for the phone to ring with all the answers and appropriate appointments to sort out dear Son's poorly eyes. I got two calls and even more confused! I have no idea (eye-dear even) what the thinking is behind the need to go Allergy department again when we should be referred to something more meaty! Waiting for some more phone calls.

On the plus side I did get to write out the training schedule for the next 3 weeks and to make sure I am oh so good for the christmas binge week.

Wednesday child was on top form today... thank goodness for those grown up drinks to recover with :0)

A big thankyou to all at the Reading Tweet up!

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