Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

I'm As Mad As Hell, And

...I'm not gonna take it anymore.

This pic, I think, illustrates the state that I and my fellow citizens find ourselves in...

Like most fungi, kept in the dark and fed a load of shit.

Violated, both politically and economically, fucked sideways without so much as a thankyou or apology, a crime so blatantly committed but still nobody goes to jail, except the struggling one-income single parent who cant afford the gas bill, or the car-taxless car-pooling mother ferrying four kids to school while the other parents trudge to minimum wage jobs, just to pay for Santa Clause's meagre delivery this year.

The Bogey Men have arrived- the Men In Black, the IMF, grudgingly slipping an astonishing 85 BILLION to keep this dog and pony show on the road, most of which will spiral down that fucking sinkhole that we, the ridden and dispossessed people, currently own, our banks- BOI, AIB, and that stinking disease-ridden carcass, Anglo Bank....

I have always been proud to be Irish, to welcome people to my country, and behave myself in a fitting manner while abroad, not to overplay the stereotype of the drunken, dissolute Paddy, feckless in every way. It felt good to be Irish, once upon a time....

Men and women, within my memory, have laid down their lives to create our Republic, most of whom were genuine idealists, real people who made sacrifices big and small to ensure that the lives of their children would be better, somehow, and brighter, hopefully.

Not only have our traitorous politicians betrayed our forefathers, and ourselves, but have condemned our little island state and our children to generations of penury and disadvantage.

And guess what? After he has presented the next budget, in a few days time, our Glorious Leader , our current Prime Minister, and more importantly, former Finance Minister, will probably step down, on a pension of something in the region of one third of a million euro per year, with a government Mercedes and at least two permanent armed police bodyguards, 24/7.

The miserable fucker will need them.

There are calls for Civil Disobedience. I, for one, before I emigrate from the country of my birth, the home and hearth I swore I would never leave, will be Extremely, but Civilly, Disobedient.
By Any Means Necessary

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