Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Where's Deerie?

Growing up, I had a father who was proud of the fact that he could bring in our family's annual ration of venison using only one rifle cartridge, and the year he had to take a second shot was his last year of hunting.

Being the fragile only child, I was never in on the hunt and was only able to sneak occasional peeks to glimpse the carnage in the garage where the herbivorous hanging Cervidae was turned into food for our table.

So, I developed an appreciation of them as graceful beasts of the wild only distantly connected to the home-made mince-meat pie that was one of my favorite desserts as a child.

It was with a great deal of joy two years ago that on Memorial Day as we left flowers on my dad's grave I observed a couple of four-legged connoisseurs who judged the flowers on the grave of the mighty one-shot huntsman to be some of the tastiest in the field. We'll see if the video comes through here:

Today, as I arrived home unexpectedly to pick up forgotten items for Thanksgiving dinner across town at my mom's, I came upon a doe and two fawns peacefully lounging in our yard. The doe got up, and all I had time to do was take a photo with my cellphone through my already-blipped dashboard garden and dirty windshield before she urged her children to get up and follow her calmly out of our yard.

So, if you look closely (This is the 'Where's Deerie' part) just to the right of the picnic table, you can see the doe standing with her still-reclining offspring.

Its the only photo I took today, and the cliche' about a picture being worth a thousand words wears thin here but its the best I've got. Maybe the accompanying video will up the verbiage value.


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