
By Amalarian


I'm skating on thin ice here, uploading a picture of a law professor's villa, but taking a shot from the house is more comfortable than going out in a hail storm. The hail has stopped but it chilled any enthusiasm for going back to yesterday's site to snap a picture of an old door hanging by one hinge which I saw there.

It's a huge, rectangular villa although it looks square from up here. The row of cypress trees to the left line the driveway up to the villa.

I didn't like being chewed out by the divorcee at the T junction, either. I have made many charming prints of her dog, Connie, (yesterday's blip) although I can't imagine she will be interested in having them.

There is a curious twist to the lack of trespass laws in Italy. You can go anywhere you like.

You can carry a gun, providing you have a license for it and it's the hunting season. What you cannot do is go anywhere you like with a camera. I'm sure La Vespa the divorcee knows this.

The resident met guy with the range gauge says we have had an inch of rain for every day in November so far. In that time we've had one and one half sunny days and a few sunny spells. But who counts?

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