
By TeeJay

Owen River Valley

The colour in this photo is untouched by me.

Today was stinking hot and airless. I had all the windows in the house open as wide as they would go but it didn't seem to make much difference. Murchison hit the national high again with an officially recorded 32 - but I can tell you it was much hotter than that at my house!

It finally cooled down a little when it began raining at about 6pm. So that seemed a good time to go for a drive to look for photo opportunities. I picked up kiwilizzie and we took a drive up the Owen River Valley - further than either of us had ever been before. I didn't know it went so far, or what stunning scenery it has to offer. Will definitely be going back.

We experienced sunshine, rain and thunder in the hour we were up there. Hence the rainbows. We stopped a number of times to take photos of this rainbow, every bend had a different impressive view of it.

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