
By TeeJay

Hard Working

This little chap was working hard in the full sun at mid-day. I went out to play around with camera settings in an attempt to get the colour right in the cloudless bright blue sky, but got sidetracked by the workers buzzing around the shadier side of my flaxes. I'm blowed if I know how they manage in the sort of heatwave we're having, but they're industrious wee chaps. I'm just glad that on days like this I don't have to work outside, I can sit inside by a fan and try to relax with an iced drink.

I originally cropped this right in on him, and you could see far more detail, but I prefer the balance of the full shot with the whole flax head.

I don't know what sort of flax this is. My back fence is a solid row of flax, containing at least 4 different varieties, and I can't identify any of them. I'm sure some of you blippers can.

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