
By scharwenka

Alps from an apartment window

The purpose of my visit to France was to discuss some of the results of a scientific project. The Principal Investigator now lives in Grenoble, and he and his wife were our most hospitable hosts for four days.

They live in a lovely apartment on the 13th floor of a block right by the banks of the river Isère. Here is the view of one range of mountains from their balcony.

The building apparently in the immediate foreground is the local hospital, just on the other side of the river. It has a nice helicopter landing pad in our full view, which makes for frequent entertainment as patients are brought in from the ski slopes. I have been admitted there (some years ago) in the middle of the night as an emergency patient (but not with broken bones): one of the first questions I was asked the next morning was whether I wanted red or white wine with my Sunday lunch. They don't seem to have the same priorities at the Oxford hospitals...

In fact, you can see three major chains of the Alps from the apartment, so that whichever way you look out, you can expect to find a dramatic expanse of mountain scenery.

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