Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

voices carry

Til Tuesday

It' funny, but not really.
The things I think will bother me don't, and the things that I feel I'm safe from pull at my heartstrings.

I told a client today I was leaving.
We chatted for the entire hour; she was very supportive and sincere in her words.
But before she left, as I walked her out, she hugged me and began to cry.
I just want to thank you for all the good you have done for me. I cannot tell you how much I am going to miss you.
It was unexpected. Goodbyes are hard for me. It's one of the reasons why I don't want a going away party. It's just too difficult- just like it was with her.
I hugged her for a just a moment longer and then had to pull away. I could feel myself collapsing. I was shaking.
She is just one of the many people who are more than just a client to me, so much more.
I gave her one final quick squeeze and then told her I had to walk away. Another quick goodbye and good luck from her, and returned to my room and sobbed- big heaving sobs.
I cried into my hands for 10 minutes and soon after that my receptionist had to knock on my door to remind me my next client was waiting for me.
I pulled myself together, and began to wonder how many times this was going to me happen before my last day.

I have no second thoughts about moving
I want to do this.
It's just bitter sweet, like an under ripe orange.

The people I thought cared, don't.
And the ones I thought didn't, do.
The people I'd swore I'd miss, I know now I won't.

It's the ones I saw in small doses, the souls who I laughed with and listened to.
It's all those faces in between the good and the bad, between 9 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday.
Those are the ones I can't forget.

I am so lucky to have met them.

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