Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Warm Cozy Evening

The sun is setting as I type. A northern storm is moving this direction. We hope it actually arrives with some moisture to share. The weather reporters are predicting rain and snow and difficult traveling home for local folks who ventured north for the holiday. Interstate 5, "the Grapevine," will possibly be shut down.

We've enjoyed a quiet Saturday. We've both accomplished some necessary tasks and also loaded some Christmas CDs on my iPod. I love Christmas music. Our neighborhood is beginning to light-up with holiday decorations. This is going to be a fun month of looking and listening.

Once we have fixed and eaten dinner, I'll be donning my jammies, brewing a pot of tea, and enjoying this long autumn evening; we're in for the night.

Hope you have a great Sunday. Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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