As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

What If 2 < 1 ?????

Awesome night!!!

I sat around all morning, cello from 1:00-2:30, more cello from 5:00-6:30, and then...


Me, Julie, Brianna, Emily, Brenna, Kyle, Nick, and Peter went ice skating today! IT WAS GREAT!!! Not everyone was the best at it......cough cough.....but we all had fun! Nick nearly took us all out when he rammed Emily into us. Kyle and Brenna fell a few times....and Julie only fell when Nick rammed into us, so snaps for Julie :) After that, we went to Emily's house. We had a few intense discussions about some of Peter's theories, one of them being if 1 became greater than 2 in the future...I'm just as confused as you are. After Emily showed us how she could peel a clementine, she destroyed us all at Bananagrams. It was soooooo much fun!

I think tonight was as great as it was because we were an odd group of people. Me, Julie, and Brianna are freshmen, Brenna is a sophmore, Emily is a junior, and Peter, Nick, and Kyle (Julie's brother) are seniors. The seniors are my brother's friends and it was weird that I was hanging out with them and he wasn't there...but I'm glad he wasn't :) It was nice to see kids from all different ages hanging out together and getting along well. I know I had a great time and I think they all did too!

From left to right: Brianna, Brenna, Emily, Peter, Julie, Nick, me and Kyle.

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