Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Princes Street Gardens.

It was very quiet in the gardens when Mags and I had a wander through in the snow this morning. No wonder, all the sensible folk were in their houses staying dry and warm!
This fool went out without a hat and tried to take photos while wind and snow beat against my face, soon couldn't see anything at all and had lots of snow in my lens :( Not good! Combined with the fact that I have no winter coat or appropriate footwear it wasn't a terribly successful outing! I struggle to remain upright at the best of times!

It was completely Maggie's fault that I was there at all, I had no intention of going anywhere today after she'd dragged me round town yesterday (honestly you'd think she was allergic to buses or something, I could barely put one foot in front of the other by the time we got home!) but was persauded by the promise of pretty pictures... Maggie got some proper winter boots, I got snow in my camera and very cold ;)

Hear that Mags? I blame you!

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