Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Get out of the way Lee!!!!

One of the reasons why i don't walk the 2 mins into town often to capture candid shots is i find i am always interrupted by someone at work wanting to know what i am doing!! Isn't it obvious dumbass??? I'm taking pictures of complete strangers!!!! No they don't like it and no i don't give them a choice ... you harrassing me has drawn all teh attention to me and now they all know!!! Before i was hiding to the side and nobody noticed me grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Today i did decide to go down - i left at 12.20 thinking that most people will either be out for lunch already or not coming out just yet so i might just get 10 - 15mins of peace .... but nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

There i am taking this picture of the hot dog stall in the xmas market adjusting a few settings etc and preparing the camera (as you do) ... then i notice some idiot poking his bum out at me - how rude i thought!! It wasn't until i moved the camera away from my eye until i realised it was Lee who sits a few yards from me in the office.

That was the end of that little pic taking trip then ... i went shopping instead!!!!

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