Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Hayden's christening

Today i went to see my friends', Phil and Carly's son Hayden being christened. I took the camera along and got a few snaps ... will process them tomorrow! Carly and Phil decided to have six godparents (is two not enough haha??).

It was a nice afternoon, i enjoyed the after party more than the actual christening itself. It was nice to catch up and see peopl that i have not seen in a while - watching all the youngters playing and laughing makes me realise that i am getting old and maybe, just maybe i should be settling down with a good woman and children!!! IF ONLY!!!!

The ceremony itself was ok however i personally don't get it - its a lot of 'words' spoken as if in script and without a lot of meaning. It is not surprising that christenongs are less common these days ... I'm pleased for Phil Carly and Hayden though as its something they wanted.

Here they are with the godparents :)

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