Jill McStor

By JillStorstein

Scarcroft park with even more snow!

It snowed a whole lot more over the night. This is the same park as yesterday, but whiter and grayer. I took it on the way to college again. It was my first day in clinic which was really pretty good (although I had a migraine which made me more than a bit spaced out and dizzy). We only had three patients because of the snow but it was interesting and surreal. It kind of felt like role play, because I have never done anything like that for real before. I was only observing but it did begin to give me a feel of what I'm getting myself into and I like it.

Long journey home from York, the train was delayed by an hour before setting off and had to go slower than usual, but got home eventually and checked my work email... The University is closed tomorrow morning (at least)! Hooray.

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