17 Inches?? Is that normal?

No the title isn't a question I was once asked in a hotel room, but the depth of snow currently blocking my patio doors. I have a list of things I am running out of / run out of which starts with milk and bread, runs to ketchup and cereal and ends on the three essentials no man can live without: Rizla, Tobacco and toilet paper. The nearest shop is something like six miles away and the roads are impassable, which would affect me but seeing as my Carla is completely buried in a drift it makes no odds. Am I moaning? Not at all, at least I'm off work. Mind you I discovered today my wellies don't fit anymore. Bad times.

I've given up the 'avoiding snow blips' today and gone for a....... snow blip!!!! I took loads, some nice landscapes, a few close ups of miserable looking berries weighed down by the cold stuff, but as this is a photo diary I decided to mark the day by showing you the street sign just fifteen yards from my front door. This isn't a midget sign, there is meant to be perhaps two foot of space underneath. This space has today been generously filled by the clouds to create a half decent shot.

The rest of the day? Well I've shook off the misery I seemed to sink into yesterday and am off out to play with my friends Zana and Kirky. The football pitch and park nearby have a good foot and a half of snow so in about an hours time I shall be wet, possibly moaning and definately sat near a heater with a roll up - if I can find Rizlas!

Cheers for all the continued nice comments and chats, seem to be meeting some really nice and interesting people via blip.

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