Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Single parent

Today was my first day as a single parent. Not really, but my husband is far away at his training in Denver, CO. So fortunately he called and woke me up, as my smallest one was in bed with me all night with feet and head stabbing me in the back. I went as far to reset his position and within 2 minutes, his head was jammed in my lower back again. Oh well.

So I got the boys ready and off to school. We made it in time to hit the playground for a bit, and one of my son's classmates came and took my smallest for some fun. His name is Toby, and he's truly a dear little guy. One of my favorites of the bunch.

After dropping my oldest, my youngest and I went to the local Tea House for some tea. He tried the African Rooibos and I the Chai Latte. Yum. We had warm pumpkin bread with butter and read books from the 1950's about wild animals...specifically beavers. My husband recently told them some overly-cautious tale of beavers chucking off someone's leg when they pet the beaver. I figured he could have just told them not to touch wild animals in general, but he has his own way. We now have two boys obsessed with beavers telling stories about kids whose legs were "chuck-chuck-chucked" off. Lulu and Filola have both lost their legs recently to chucking accidents apparently. :)

We then headed to our local mall to burn some time and money. I invested in some tights, as I intend to change my style a bit this winter. We'll see how that goes. I also found a couple of stocking stuffers.

Well my time has been cut short. Children crying and such. My oldest chose the shot today. He liked it because it included all three of us. I thought the reflection was kind of cool. It's the back of the memorial we visited a couple of weeks ago. It's a large, black marble piece. I think I kind of prefer this photo, as it was an enormously lovely morning that brought lots of smiles.

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