this lovely life

By kellyrenee

Here Is The House

where it all happens
those tender moments
under this roof


This is where many a delicious dinner will be cooked. Don't worry, behind me is more counter space. I actually have more here than I had in the last place. Cupboard space is more scarce, but counter space is plentiful! Fantastic.

And how much do you love my utensil holder? It's from the Polish pottery shop in England. I have a big jug (utensils), small jug (kitchen scrubber) and the spoon holder (which is probably a soap dish, but functions nicely as a spoon holder). I have a whole tea set in a different pattern, but this is my kitchen set. I love it very much!

Every single item in my home is exactly what I want it to be. Someday I will have to compromise, but not today. Not now. :)

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