Crow Step Gables

It was flu jab day for me with our new medical practice.
Having been told the one we have been with for 40 years would no longer be able to make the 1 mile journey across the meadows to the Dower House, we have been accepted by one twice as far away. Our rejection from the first one seemed to be about parking problems, which would seem to be the same for our new practice. A case of 'ours not to reason why'.

Walking to the appointment was like a training session on a sandy beach or tramping through a mountain of soft demerara sugar. I'm hoping the effort involved was the cause of a high BP reading, but I suspect Christmasitis to be the real cause.

On the way home I popped into a local store, only to find the shelves looking a bit like something you might imagine in an Eastern Bloc country. I can see a day coming soon if this icy grip doesn't loosen it country wide grip when people will join any queue they see outside a shop in case some basic provisions have been delivered.

My blip is a study in crow step gables of the Old Town

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