Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Good old bailer twine


Feeling particularly brave about driving home in lots of snow and making it in one piece - only saw about 3 other vehicles and they were 4x4s. Our Christmas party for Sam's work is cancelled tonight as there are people from a previous party still stuck in the hotel!

So, the weekend has started early and the adverse conditions demand piling the kids into the sledge and pulling them along to the pub to celebrate.

I have a soft spot for bailer twine. I have always liked its orange colour - if I were a paint maker I would have a nice matt named after it. When we grew up in The Row there was a fantastic old lady called Daisy - a gamekeeper's daughter who lived in the last house at the top of the lane just before the woods. She kept her trousers up with a bailer twine belt and had a huge old welsh dresser with a little draw full of soft rum butter toffees.

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