Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Morning Sun

Very cold last night, the mercury sank to -9.5, not that I noticed as I was cosy in bed :) This morning got off to a bright start on the weather front with the sun making its way into the sky. It didn't last for long though. Its now been snowing steadily again since around lunchtime

Tescos failed to deliver the weekly shop and what is worse was they hadn't even picked it for in store pick up. Tsk! There was a brief moment when I thought I would actually have to go and do some real life shopping.

Fortunately Mr LIF stepped up to the plate and offered to go instead :) He is a good egg really. He opted to go to the hell which is Tesco in Cupar rather than the large store in Dundee. I was not hopeful that the majority of the list items would be stocked in the mickey mouse hellhole Cupar store and I could imagine Mr LIF blowing a gasket as he searched in vain :)

The exercise was completed and some resourceful substitutions made. I am now hastily re jigging the week's menu and considering writing a book entitled 101 ways to cook a sausage :)

Still on the plus side....we now have wine! Chin Chin!

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