Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Tentsmuir Beach in the Snow

We had a bit if a thaw today in the bright sunshine. The thermometer reached the heady heights of 3.5 at some point in the day. Now heading back on down

A quick trip this morning into Cupar to purchase the christmas tree - putting it up is now on tomorrows to do list. Popped into Lidl and to fiill in on Mr LIFs shopping excursion of yesterday and also to get some must haves I didnt realise I needed :)

Then we popped down to the Tentsmuir for a walk with the hounds. The road was passable but icy underneath. Fortunately him indoors is army trained for ice driving, or so he assures me! The place was deserted - two other cars. A massive beach to ourselves. No wind and a fantastic watch. I took loads of rubbish pics - struggling with the settings and still trying to master the beast :)

Any of you who know Tentsmuir will know that in recent years pools of water have appeared between the dunes and the beach. This can sometimes make it difficult to reach the shore without wellies. Today, however they were firmly frozen solid. Makes for an interesting walk going from ice and snow to sand and water in less than 100 yards :)

Time now for Cava and a chill :)

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