Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

New Mercies

Lamentations 3:22 & 23 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness

If there was ever a morning I needed new mercies, it was this morning. Our late night at the Emergency Room a couple nights ago, along with my very bad habit of staying up too late in general, caught up with me last night and carried over to this day as well. Concentration, down, allergies, up, sinuses, aggravated, a whirl.

I thanked God for the morning light and mercies that were new for this day. Focus, now, on taking tiny steps to get through the day by taking little tasks at a time and try not to step back to look at the big picture until you're feeling better tomorrow. This will help to avoid the overwhelming nature of feeling this blah!

Something else will help too! Hearing my Beloved's story of the cat and the squirrel when I arrived home, grateful to have survived another day, while learning to put my trust in One greater than I. I learned my Sheepish Contraptioneer had experienced some challenges this morning as well. Experiencing similar exhaustion while trying to sooth and calm one who is inconsolable at times and calls him "the boy" and says "don't forget" a few too many times a day, he needed a little comedy relief as well. It was difficult to choose, I'm sure, the pictures and video he took of the cat climbing the pole are pretty funny too. Unfortunately, he was having so much fun watching the action in person, he sometimes forgot to keep aiming the camera, so it isn't You Tube material. Still, a wonderful, uplifting end to both of our days!

We helped his mom cook a little dinner and we're hoping to get some real sleep tonight. Yay sleep!!

P.S. The white at the bottom is that crusty little ice that accumulates when you scrape your windows in the morning, then roll them down (car windows, of course). was the case today...the little ridge of ice doesn't collapse when the window goes down. I thought it made a fun foreground.

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