
By TrishaR

My Cute Grandsons

Nine o'clock this morning the snow cavalray arrived in the shape of 1 pavement shoveler digger thing shoving the snow on to the road then a big bucket digger coming along to shovel the snow into a tipper lorry which when loaded up took the snow down to the harbour to empty into the river Tay. The only reason our street is getting special treatment is that we have 1 primary, 1 special needs school and a secondary school in our street and there is a big push to clear the street for the schools going back on Monday after being shut for the past week.

We were busy early too getting my car dug out and the drive up to the road cleared too. My mum has been stuck in her flat all week so we drove over and brought her to the house for tea, along with Cameron, Ben and Laura. Mum said she was so excited about getting out:)

Cameron had a party at the local scout hut and while there hubby and I popped down town to order the turkey crown from M&S for the christmas dinner. Shops were so busy,

Ben is 2 months old now and is giving us big smiles. Here the 2 of them are, my wee darlings!

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