SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

New Flash Gun...

R has bought me my Christmas present early, a flash gun for my 40D... its sort of necessary for next weeks wedding of his Mum. So today I have been playing with it getting the hang of it... pretty impressed. I need to play a bit more through out the week.

We're on count down now to next Saturday, hoping the weather and the conditions in East Yorkshire improve. Being down in Northamptonshire we need the conditions to improve just to travel up there. R was supposed to go this weekend and couldn't, even though we here have had a very minimal amount of snow.

Last minute glitches are coming to the forefront at the moment... R's tie that has been made for him that matches the bridesmaids doesn't fit, its about 3 inches too short, just will not look right at all and we're finding it hard to find a matching colour, even tie rack can't help! I am in a quandary as to what to wear under my suit if its going to be cold... everything I have is of a summery nature. I'm sure we'll get them sorted at least we have till Saturday, late night shopping Milton Keynes is in order I think!

This is a photo of part of a Christmas wreath... we're not putting up Christmas decorations until after next weekend but R saw this for a very special reason and it is currently in the conservatory waiting to be taken up to East Yorkshire at the right moment.

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