
By FauxPunk

Fog Boy

I'm kinda gutted by this. On the camera it looked amazing, and exactly as I'd envisaged it. It was only when I saw it on the comp that I realised how busy and intrusive the background was. I thought I'd done really well with the composition (leading line & all that malarky) but all for nothing with that background. Maybe if I'd shot in Raw I could've done something by increasing the blacks, but in JPEG I just don't have the photoshop smarts to fix it! Pesky Construction workers!

Anyhoo, work was a so-so day. Started out stressful, but then I just decided that wasn't going to get me anywhere and was much cheerier when I understood my limits :op (watch this space for how stressed I am tomorrow, after not getting things done today!)

Polished of the last of the Leek & Potato soup... definately better a few days after! Tried another kinda soup today after buying some necessaries (flasks! woo!) but it's looking decidedly dodgy! Watch this space.

Oh, and Quiz night tomorrow!

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