
By FauxPunk

Ice Boy


Today was quiz night - was tougher than the last time and we had to settle for mid-table obscurity - 5th out of 10 teams... but the 4th team left early, so we claimed their prize YAY :-D

Work wasn't too bad - it was hectic as ever lately, but managed to relax a bit anyway, which puts me at my best to help others, so can sleep the sleep of the righteous lol.

I only took a load of these pics today, and none of them turned out that well... this is the best of a bad bunch... I don't know if my focal point was wrong or if that's a bit of motion blur on Mathew's face due to slow shutter speed (higher ISO required?). Either way, bit of a meh pic, but the frozen wharf is nice lol.

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