Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

Fairytale frost

I was completely entranced by the snow, ice and sparkling white trees around my house this morning. It was like stepping out into a winter wonderland. Lovely. This picture is my garden dusted like icing sugar!

In a virtually unrelated addition to today's blip someone said something to me this morning which I thought was really rather lovely and wanted to write down.

He said: "At the end of the day Emma we all go home and put on our dressing gowns and sit on the sofa don't we? No matter how cool or whatever we pretend to be."

There was something in what he said that reminded me of the common strands of humanity. Underneath it all we all want similar things in this life don't we? To be loved, appreciated, to live somewhere warm and nurturing and work in a job that you enjoy.

An alcoholic homeless man stopped me in the street this morning and told me to look up at the trees and take a photo of them because he thought they looked so Christmassy. I smiled at him and agreed. His look of joy and wonder wasn't lost on me.

I realised if looking at frosty trees could make him happy in challenging circumstances we can all do a lot better at appreciating the good around us and what we have rather than focusing on what we feel we're missing.

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