Has she noticed?

13 months 16 days

Yes, Katie, Mummy has noticed you've pinched the philadelphia and decided it makes a tasty dipping pot!

We have had a really nice day with our friend Henry. We went to tea and toast for a quick second breakfast before heading to the Children's Centre for Lets Get. The sensory den has now arrived - a cube made of blackout fabric, with slots for the light strings etc to go through. Katie adored it. She played in rice krispies - and yes, she ate them, and threw them. She made a Christmas tree decoration to decorate next week. I say made, she poked her finger in it.

After Lets Get, we made a quick pit stop to tescos. Both children fell asleep before I'd pulled out of the carpark. And both children stayed asleep when I transferred them to their respective sleeping destinations. Result.

We had a lovely visit from my friend and her little lady, who is 15 months. The three children had a great play together, and ate us out of house and home. Katie had her first curry for tea and loved it!

However, the reason for my friend's visit was a touch less fun - she's also my landlady. She was visiting because I have no water. Probably due to frozen pipes. And despite doing the everything on the (pathetic) list of suggestions from the water company, I still have no water. I do however have 24 2-litre bottles of water, from my landlord. Lets see what Katie thinks when I show her that for her bath!

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