A good day

2years 47days

Today has been a very good day. She's a bit under the weather still, and had some nasty bouts of coughing, but was a brave soldier and battled on. Which was great as we managed one of those "how did we do all that in one day" days.

We first of all headed to the York Winter Wonderland. She was absolutely fascinated by the moving animals and spent a long time feeding them/sprinkling them with the fake snow. We watched a Christmas movie, but she wouldnt wear the 3D glasses, so goodness knows how it looked to her! We were then taken to another room with some big fairies and trees and pretties before we saw Father Christmas. With whom she wasnt too impressed. She wanted instead to revisit the animals. So she did!

We headed into the city, stopping at the Fudge Kitchen where they were freshly making fudge. She got double helpings of taster, just for being cute. We headed then to the Christmas Shop. She was in her element. She had a little double handed wicker basket that she proudly clutched with our selected purchases. She chose her this year bauble, and proudly carried the bag. We stopped at Starbucks and she had her first Starbucks babyccino. And giant chocolate coin.

I had a toy to return to the Disney Store, so whilst I tried to chose alternatives, the friend we were with took Katie to the play area. She was playing so happily with a lovely mickey mouse teaset. There was my answer. That and a rather nice soft toy mickey that she is totally made up with. We then went round the Christmas Market in the city centre (she helped Mummy chose a great new hat!)

We got a sandwich before heading off to the Yorkshire Winter Wonderland. She wanted to go skating on the ice rink, however she wouldnt wear their strap on toddler skates, so we walked round the little market there and were planning on heading into the grotto, but found it closed. So we hid in the warm of the shops - she had a ride in one of the car-trolleys and had a blast in Hamleys. A quick drink and it was time to head home.

After our friend had gone, Granny and Grandad arrived. Katie had spent the whole journey home (a long one!) saying "grannygrandadgrandadgranny-grannygrandadgrandadgranny" so was incredibly pleased they arrived. They had a quick tea with us, which was lovely, before nightnight kisses for Katie, who is now tucked up fast asleep.

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