A time for everything

By turnx3

Late afternoon at the park

I should have been at church this morning, but when Roger went out to his car first thing, he discovered he had a flat battery - apparently he had left the keys in the ignition all night, and so the lights had been on all night. Then he realized that the only jumper cables that we have are in Laura's car - up at Miami University! By this time he was running late, so I let him take my car, so I was stranded for the morning, until he came back at lunchtime with a new pair of cables and got his car started. About mid-afternoon I went out grocery shopping and stopped for a quick photo walk round Pioneer Park. It wasn't quite as cold as yesterday, though my hands still got cold, despite wearing gloves. I stopped by the stream again, that I blipped yesterday, and was surprised to see how much more it had frozen since yesterday. However, I really liked the late afternoon light in this shot of the lake, so I chose this one. This evening we had handbell practice - we are playing in service again a week on Sunday and we can't practice next week, as the other handbell choir are performing at a retirement community that evening, so this evening was our last practice. We were a little shaky to begin with, but by the end of practice, they were sounding pretty good.

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