this lovely life

By kellyrenee

I Got This... part four billion and twelve

Woke up this morning and laid in bed listening to the toilet run. When I couldn't figure out how to fix it last night in the sleepy haze of 11pm-ishness (yep, I'm a morning person), I said to myself, "I shall call the landlord tomorrow." When I woke up, I first thought, "I will call my brother. He will help." But that isn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to fix it on my own. So I used my resources (*cough* internet *cough* wiki-how). Four minutes later, problem solved, and in the process, I solved the other problem that the toilet was having. And it was pretty darn easy.

A long time ago, my friend Joy shared a quote that has stuck with me:

Do one thing that scares you every day. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

That is very good advice because when you conquer a fear, however small (even as small as remedying a running potty), it empowers you. And you grow. And you become better than before. Stronger. It might seem like all I did was lift the lid of the tank, twist a screw, and move a float. But it was bigger than that. I found a little more confidence today. I believed in myself. There was a problem, I found the solution, and I followed through.

I realize that the little victories are like tiny atoms that gravitate towards one another, glob together, and form one great, mighty being. We're all great and mighty and were intended to be so, but realizing it.... that's the trick. Right?

On to the next!

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