Little One!

So, picked up Ange from LAX today. Very happy to have the lil pumpkin home for a spell. Brings happiness to our collective hearts.

It went like this:
Work real hard
Talk to brother on phone
Take shower
Fill up tank
Go pick up Little E from school
Circle LAX about 15 times
Pull to curb, pick up very tan third daughter
Quiz said daughter on Hawaiian life and boy
Traffic, traffic, traffic
Rush home so Little E could change
Rush to COHS so Little E could attend night rally
Drive to Tori's work
Look for Tori
Find Tori
Smile big and happy
Get food
Drive home
Have a picnic in the living room
Talk more
Watch TV
Pick up Little E
Talk to RW on telephono about new assignment for 2011
Put Days of Thunder on the telly
Talk to bestie, live from Orlando!
Rejoice in bestie's amazingness :)
Hang up, fulfilled and pondering a very cool story
Fall asleep watching Days of Thunder
The end. :) xo

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