Family Dog

By Family_Dog

freeze your bobbles off...

It is a well known (and little remembered, till it's too late) fact that planning a nice day out specifically for your young child will usually end in disaster of one kind or another. It will definitely involve tears at some point. It might even involve your child's tears at some point - who knows? All I know is that it all just adds weight to my theory that the less you do for your kid, the less they'll expect so the less they'll be disappointed.

After a solid week of being (mostly) stuck in the house I thought it might be nice to take Arlo up to the Christmas market and have a poke about the fair. The idea of doing something out of doors without getting twatted in the face by wind and snow made us both giddy as we tumbled out of the door dressed like slightly insane Mitchelin men.

Neither of us had slept well and both of us were a bit grumpy (honestly, what are you suppose to do at 6am??) so getting out seemed to be the best solution to what was a day of mounting naughty spot sitting (him) and tantrum throwing (me).

Christ. We weren't really ready for the freezing freezingness of the day. Nor was I ready for the cost of the bloody place (it cost £5 for me & Arlo to go on the bloody carousel!) or the many, many, many loo stops we had to do. Small boy bladder and pregnant lady bladder are not a good combo on a freezing cold day.

It ended with a woman shouting at me about being irresponsible for taking my child out into town on a day like today - honestly, he had on a vest, long sleeve t-shirt, thick wooly jumper, pj bottoms, jeans, knee high thick welly socks, wellies, hat, gloves and massively padded jacket. You'd think I had him dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts. Silly cow.

By that point, my sciatic nerves kept twanging in my bum (funny for you - sore for me) and my legs ached. Arlo refused to walk any further and I had heartburn to the power of 100. It was time to go home.

Could we get a bus? No. Could we get a taxi? No. Was it hideous? Yes.

But also - his wee face on the spinning tea cup ride was a total picture. Shame I was too cold to get my camera out of my bag at that point.

Lesson learned...

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