Fuelled throughout the day by the contents of my trusty stove-top Bialetti and a steady consumption of modern classical listening. Discovered the other week that my boss's dad has been best mates for donkeys' years with Gavin Bryars which led me to have his Sinking Of The Titanic resonating around the flat in between nursery/school collections.
A friend put me on to this years ago along with his (what can only be described as legendary!) recording, Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet. I mentioned to a work colleague once that this was one of my favourite ever albums, to which he rather disparagingly replied, "What? The one with the tramp?" And of course it is 'the one with the tramp', but so much more than that, incredibly moving and utterly majestic. One of the rare ocassions when the phrase 'once heard, never forgotten' is perfectly apt.
Afternoons with Gav, can't be beat.
(Evenings with Sylvain Chauveau, I'll get back to you on that one...CDs importing as I type.)
* For more modern classical / home listening, with Soundcloud streaming of full albums from a whole raft of folk including Johann Johannsson, Sylvain Chauveau, Peter Broderick and more check the Type Records website
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