Thistle Down

By Ethel

Holy Night

Joseph looked up at Mary,
So faithful, and so kind.
Come along dear, and don't tarry,
A place to go...we must find.

On the back of a little donkey,
On a clear night...bright and calm.
They went along without resting,
In the shadows of the palm.

On...ever on they traveled,
So tired and weary the way.
Back to the land of their birthright,
For their taxes there to pay.

The streets were crowded before them,
With never a thought from their kin.
While Joseph went eagerly searching,
Where he found no place at the Inn.

At a stall they rested,
Thinking what the decree had meant.
And there in the humblest surroundings,
Came forth this glorious event.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

(Suzette, Jon and Coco)

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