All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

There were better / nicer pictures that I took of Ethan eating his lunch today, but I like this one because you can see 2 of his new top teeth in it! He was wolfing down toasted muffins with philidelphia on them here. He seems to prefer them to normal toast.

He was up crying again during the night. I'm not sure why this has started again this week as recently he has been sleeping much better through the night. Here's hoping it stops as soon as it started! Still, once hubbie finally managed to resettle him, he then slept till 7am which isn't too bad.

We went to the library today to return the books we borrowed recently ... but it was shut! Most frustrating! Will try again tomorrow. Also went down The Centre for a few bits and pieces but I was in indecisive mode and couldn't decide what I wanted, so came home pretty much empty handed.

I've spent 4 hours this evening shovelling snow off my driveway - am in agony now so a soak in the bath is calling me.

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