Sloping Off

Another low level walk with Juno through semolina. Not many people about and sadly the traffic has reappeared.

Forget about the Olympics, Commonwealth Games, I was involved today in approving Edinburgh's course for the World Luge Championships, boy it is tricky course and firghtening at bits. Well that was my journey to work today.

Work was a bolero of brilliance.

Eco mum out with her work so home to make dinner, Eco daughter stayed away preferring her pal's for food while Eco son's pal weanted to stay and have food.

Decided on an evening walk with Juno, in the dark, could not find a level stone in the dyke so angled view of life. The snow is wet, the ground hid puddles and the night clouds sped past chaisng the stars. At the trig point of Blackford Hill a young romatic couple cuddled, unaware of our presence, Juno ran up to them rubbed between them and disappeared into the darkness, they looked around wondering what had happened. We slipped past leaving them to their moment.

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