Man in the Tropics

By manintropics

Day 8

Rule #9 Only physically exert within your ability

Boy was it humid last night, you could have cut the air with a knife. That would be okay but it has also been cloudy, which is a bit of a shame.

Anyway, J came literally face to face with a roach as she came up the spiral staircase in the night. She did dispatch it, but it took nerves of steel (hers, not mine - so I now owe her big time apparently).

Morning dawned with rain, which continued for several hours- no problem as we had a hearty breakfast and then lay in the hammock and read. By lunchtime we were a bit bored so decided to go for a run along the beach. Did we not learn from last time, obviously not. 4 miles later, dripping with sweat, we remembered!

After a bit more reading we went for a walk around the main village, had a beer, and I got this photo of the village interchange - where the boats arrive. Hope the sun arrives tomorrow

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