As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Life Is Not A Coloring Book

My art teacher said the title when describing how people don't have thick black lines outlining their noses, ears, etc. It's true...

I played my solo with the chorus again today. The orchestra came down 3rd period to practice Hallelujah Chorus with the chorus. The chorus sounded great. Us.....not so much. And the concert is Tuesday...

After school, I went to Wendy's with some people. After that I went home and did homework. :( I still have more to do.

I stayed home....all night...woooooo.

This is the lake right near my house. It's looked like this every morning for a few days now but I haven't had the time to take a picture of it. I wish the branches weren't in the way....maybe next week.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

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