Take to the streets

Today is the anniversary of Jack's funeral so we have all been keeping busy to take our minds off it.

Joe and Eve, for example, looked as if they were passing the time by recreating the recent student riots.

I decided to go back to the spinning class to see if it really was as painful as I remembered (it was). The only bright spot was seeing the look of surprise on the instructor's face as I walked back into the chamber of pain.

After that I had to do some proper work and needed to get into the zone to write in official Government Tender language so Mrs Smith took the kids away to visit her Mum and help her pass some time too, as well as liberate her christmas decorations from the attic. Funnily enough her Mum had another catastrophic three-hankie nose bleed exactly as she did on the same day last year (just as she had climbed into the funeral car).

By the time they arrived home I'd not only finished writing nonsense, I'd put a casserole in the oven (Lamb and red wine since you ask) and just opened a bottle of delicious Greywacke.

I won't be venturing far from that fire tonight. I hope the riots calm down by then.

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