Goodbye Jack

Today we said farewell to Jack.

It was a painful and extremely sad day but there were also lots of laughs and recounting of some great stories about Jack which was a fitting tribute to a wonderful man who had the nose for a fun escapade and the ability to translate it into a side splitting story later.

As I said in the service the stories of herding pigs, rescuing cats off roofs, placing me in peril in Whitton Gilbert working mens club on Cup Final day, koala bears, whitewashing me and Terry at pool, drive by shootings of crows on the A1, livestock through windows, crimes to karaoke and how to get the loan of a goat will all be told on many occasions when we all get together and reminisce about Jack - which will be a fitting way to remember one of life's great story tellers.

You're leaving an enormous gap in so many people's lives Jack. We'll all miss you.

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