From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

You don't have to cook fancy...

...or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. (Julia Child)

Not a great day. Child #2 was in a VERY bad mood this morning (But he did cheer up after a chat and a cuddle), but it set the day off badly.

My wonderful new plan for the posthumanism essay has not progressed any further, but at least it is a nicely detailed one! Am going to try to do another plan for the film and literature paper I have due in at the same time as the posthumanism paper.

This blip is Jane's dinner. Saturday night is a busy night for taxis so Jane has her dinner at 9pm (ish) before doing another 5 or 6 hours work. Tonight is steak and salad, with my last home grown love apple (tomato) to show my devotion!

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