
Look at my palm tree, all off kilter and whatnot.
Tonight as I was watching the sunset from my balcony, my neighbor came out and she started taking a picture of the sunset. She didn't see me at first. I think we are equally shy. We spoke briefly, and then I went inside to finish putting the sheets on my bed. I'm kinda dumb. I don't know why I am, at times, timid. Other times, not so much.

That Kelly Wade. She's a weird one.

In other news: Check out this sunset!! Tell me I'm not the luckiest girl alive. I get to see THIS from right outside my bedroom. I'm quite content with this little abode. Even though today the washing machine decided it would now like to drain into the bathtub. Hmmm..... is this a fluke? Has it always done this and I only just noticed today? What do I do? I will wait until Monday and then call the landlord, probably. Unless it goes away. I hope it just goes away.

Today was a cleaning day. My house, it's so clean! The sheets are washed, the floors are spotless, the windows are streak-free, the bathroom is worthy of bare feet. It was before, too. But now it's extra worthy.

Now I'm off to Wal-Mart in search of necessities before my trip. I'm off to see the bestie in five days. FIVE DAYS!! So near, and yet so far. :)

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