
By Amalarian


This is another mystery item from the bouquet. I promise no more although there is one, but it is so suggestive in shape and colour I don't think I could get it past the blip monitors. Yesterday's strange flower was eventually identified by Hopbarn and friends on Twitter. It's a fasciated veronica.

The ingenious lighting effect in this pic is -- sunlight! It was coming in the window at a low angle. The wall is white. I have no idea why it is this colour in the picture. The plant colours are correct.

During all the weeks of rain, I went out either during brief clear spells or when it was lashing down. Now that the sun is shining I've become entranced by indoor plants. The possible explanation for this contrariness is that it is now very cold out there.

Server even slower than usual which means I will be the same with comments today.

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