
Monday, and the pre Christmas Extravaganza starts today with a train trip through to Glasgow before tomorrow's early start for Southampton and the Atlantic.
The seasickness pills are packed, tickets, passport and camera in the bag, so that just leaves the watering of plants and general tidying up before we and our mountain of luggage get a taxi to the station.

Never have I gone on holiday before with two cases. I have a ridiculous amount of belongings with me, so unsure am I of what I will be expected to wear.

A cycling holiday with 2 panniers really focuses one's mind as to what is important on the apparel issue, but with no experience of Captain's tables and such like, I have emptied my entire wardrobe into those cases, and will no doubt bring back most of the clothes unworn.

I have my camera with me and will try and post some blips of sea views lest you feel left out of the experience, but my commenting over the next three weeks will be very limited.

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