
By suresnes

Christmas Shopping

These are the presents I managed to get for people when I went shopping on Saturday - one of the more successful shopping trips I've ever had! The records are for my brother, the books are for various people and the cups and the cookie cutter are for my mum.

I went shopping with my friend A, which was really nice, except she kept overheating and having to leave shops! Afterwards we met up with our other friends K and D, and went to an American diner, which was nice, though I didn't really chose the best things to eat.

Afterwards K, A and I went to our friend M's birthday party at a pub called the Thistle where we met some other aupairs, then went onto this pirate themed bar called Mad Maker, which was excellent! Much dancing occurred. A and I left about 2am and went home - an early night! I didn't get home til 4 though, and I got attacked by a guy with a Christmas tree (he actually attacked me with the tree) which was slightly annoying, and meant I got covered with pine needles and fake snow.

This photo was taken in a very chilly pub in the Latin Quarter while A and I were waiting to meet up with the others for dinner.

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