Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Okay let me tell you something before I even start on my blip. If you use something like ?Money Supermarket?, ?Go Compare?, ?Confused.com? or that stupid little Meerkat one then you are setting yourself up for a fall. I have 13 years no claims, but the last 3 have been in a company car. Using the company car has now invalidated my no claims bonus. However they don?t tell you this prior to buying your insurance online, they don?t even attach the details to the subsequent requests for proof of no claims. Therefore three odd weeks after purchasing my Golf I am told the insurance won?t in fact be £300, its going to be £900. I have two words for those companies, one of which is off. The other I won?t mention as I know a good portion of my regular commenter?s (people who comment ? is that correct?) are the fairer sex and I?d hate to offend. It wasn?t a nice word though.

So from now on Meerkats, Nigel Mansell and that idiot Opera Singer are top of my ?things to set fire to? list. They join long term top fivers Jordan and Fearne ?everything?s brill and ace and fab and ace and brill? Cotton. My god she is a dick.

Right so onto today?s shot. After five or six hours on the internet and shouting down the phone I thought a blip would pass me by. Looking up from my desk I saw the hall was illuminated red so off I went to snap the sunset. It was a let down, but the red on the wall made for a half decent shot. I haven?t touched this up, cropped it or anything. I just liked the effect so on it goes.

I have a few gripes today and as my discomfort is often the source of others amusement I thought I?d list them:

1. Old people: Either try and adhere to the road rules or get the bus everywhere. I have no problem with you driving on the roads of my county as long as you do it above 30 miles an hour. WE HAVEN?T HAD ANY SNOW FOR A FLAMING WEEK.

2. Insurance companies: You?ve just made it seem acceptable for me to buy a big engine car, and now you?re trying to treble my premium, so when you say ?is there anything else I can help you with today? please don?t expect a polite answer.

3. The Sun: A TV talent show is not news. Most people know what happened because like cretins they were glued to it as Cowell manufactured even more substandard teen dross for our ears to be polluted with.

4. The Sun: Actually stop trying to tell stupid people what to think. I read it because I want to know what the average dole scrounger is being told to think, or the racist next door. Why don?t you actually give this news: Benefit cheats cost this country approx £1 billion, but big business tax evasion costs us £123 billion. So maybe less horror stories about Mr Different Religion down the road and more about why Mr Marks & Sparks or Mr Asda don?t contribute what they should. Ah but then I suppose who would pay to advertise in your comic? Nobody. So why not keep spreading fear and hatred and get Joe Public to turn on each other. Good plan.

5. The son of the Pink Floyd guy: You go to Cambridge and don?t know about the Cenotaph? You sir should be hung at dawn. Why were you even there? I'd think the son of one of the worlds most succesful guitarists would have been able to afford his fees. You muppet, you disgrace the porrer students who do have something to fight for. You should be stripped of your education and sent on national service, but that won't happen because you have money. I wonder if yuor Dad has any offshore tax haven bank accounts? Stinks this country doesn't it?

Thanks for indulging me. Hopefully tomorrow I?ll be happier and posting pictures of puppies or kittens or beer.

Spotlighted again yesterday as well. I've had three on there now which makes me smile. Not quite as much as someone saying 'yes Mr Hutchinson your premium will now be £300 a year', but there was a smile.

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