
13 months 22 days

Everyone loves a sleeping baby photo right? So a sleeping baby being cute with her favourite toy friend, in coordinating nightwear and bedding has to be a winner, right? Have I convinced anyone yet this wasn't merely an emergency blip as none of my other photos were anything like public standard? I do, however, think that Katie as she was when I returned for said emergency blip, looks rather scrummy. She still likes to snuggle across the cot, not long ways. She frequently burrows right into the bottom corner.

We've had a busy but brilliant day. Started off with a cuppa with Granny and Grandad as they were working near us today. There were some old ladies in the table next to us, grunting and moaning everytime Katie threw something on the floor. I wasn't hugely impressed. Anyway, they carried on grunting and moaning, but then 5 minutes before we left, they lent over and gave Katie some coins 'to buy a little something'.... go figure...

I have to admit, the absolute highlight of our day has been swimming. Katie was so incredibly excited to be there, after 3 weeks of not being able to. Shew was also fairly desperate to head for the big pool! Both her and Ava were SO hyper. Ava giggled the entire class, Katie splashed and kicked, wanted to jump in over and over. After the class had finished, our teacher went for a swim in the big pool. She saw Katie and I heading out and called us over. She held Katie for me as I got in and Katie had a couple of turns humptydumptying into the big pool and bobbing around. She was so excited she didn't know what to do with herself and seemed fascinated by all that water. We didn't stay long though - big pools are lots colder!

We had a little wander round doing some jobs and a coffee with a friend before I brought a very tired Katie-baby home! She's been a bit peaky since we got back, bit of a temperature and really snuggly, didn't want her tea, bless her, just milk.

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