Name the Butterfly

13months 23 days

Another busy but happy day, despite Katie being a touch "coldy" and off her food. We went to the last Lets Get. Katie had such a wonderful time as always - she spent ages in the sensory area, enjoyed having the tent to herself and stood dancing in front of the light screen for a long time. She went and played in the water tray, and got drenched. She did several sticking and glittering creations. Much fun all round!

We went from there to the play cafe for lunch with several friends, a nice time indeed. Apart from there being one baby going round clawing lots of the chldren (not kidding - he got three in the time we were there, including Katie. He broke skin on 2 of the children. Including Katie).

She was asleep before I got out the carpark, although not for long. I had a meeting to go to so she woke up when we went to that. She then went back to sleep for over an hour.

Todays blip is our new addition to the family... yet to be named butterfly. If you view it large, you can see tooth 4 well and truly on show! Butterfly is the "replacement" for jumperoo, who moved on to new pastures on Sunday. Katie's mini rocking horse is now a touch small, or more to the point, is too small for her friends, so I've bought a lovely new one for her and she seems thrilled with it. She has now adapted an amusing side-saddle approach to it, so that she can get on and off by herself. How very refined!

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