All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Rocking Ethan

After the excitement of Ethan's birthday party yesterday, we had hoped he'd be so worn out he'd sleep well. His sleeping has gone majorly downhill recently but unfortunately last night was no exception. He woke howling around midnight. Hubbie spent 2 hours with Ethan bawling, trying to get him back to sleep in his cot but in the end gave in and brought him through to us. It's the longest Ethan has slept in our bed with us as we've never had to give in that early in the night before.

I don't know if it's because he has been developing so much recently that his brain is too active at night. But in the past week he has learnt to crawl competently over things rather than just crawling over flat surfaces, he can walk really quickly by holding on to the sofa, and today started walking pretty well for the first time using his baby walker too. Oh, and he also crawled up the first 2 steps of our staircase today too!

By late morning he was exhausted and fell asleep on Grandpas shoulder for 1 hour 15 minutes. Not ideal as I still hope that one day soon he'll learn to nap in his cot, but at least he slept.

After a late lunch of veggie casserole with cheese dumplings (which he demolished - I love it when we can eat the same things), Granny, Grandpa & I took him up to Tumblezone for an hour.

He had a whale of a time rocking back and forwards on this horse and kept pointing at random things in the building. We also went down adjacent slides, side by side several times, which Ethan loved too. He's clearly now reaching an age where soft play is becoming great fun for him to explore.

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